When will my Yard Card be set up / taken down?

1-day weekday rentals will be set up between 7-9pm the day before your scheduled appointment and taken down between 7-9pm the day of.

2-day weekend rentals will be set up between 7-9pm on Friday and take down between 7-9pm on Sunday.

Where will my Yard Card be placed?

Unless otherwise specified, your Yard Card will be placed in your front yard, facing the road. All efforts will be made to preserve vegetation, while making it as visible as possible to passers by.

What if the ground is too hard?

Harrisburg Yard Card kindly requests that yards be watered a minimum of one hour prior to our arrival to ensure easy installation.

What is my sign falls / is knocked down?

Parts of your Yard Card may occasionally fall down in extreme weather conditions. If you are comfortable standing up the fallen piece please go ahead. If not, don’t hesitate to give us a call and we will be by to tidy things up.